Step Up to the Microphone
We live in a crazy bizarre world that’s in need of a savior now more then ever. Here we dive into the world of speaking up for faith in Yahusha/Jesus Christ and Biblical values, our foundation is the Bible and we are not ashamed of it. We go against the grain by speaking the truth without worrying about the consequences. We’re not afraid of cancel culture or anything else, we simply want to get the word of the Gospel out to everyone!!!
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
24. The Uphill Battle
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Life is an uphill battle and rarely has a break, we are always grinding away and never getting to rest like we should. We fight and claw going up the hill and are always feeling empty handed and worthless. We base these feelings on how life is going and often something has blown up in our face and it's normally our fault because of our selfish choices. I'm not going to lie ever since January this uphill battle here has been harder then usual, like the enemy has been leaving land mines for us to have to maneuver around and we're getting really close to hitting them on what seems like a daily basis. We're getting worn down and depressed with how the world has become since then. We are the target of hate and bigotry and don't understand why, all we want is a peaceful existence and for our conservative values to be honored. We aren't sitting there kicking like a petulant child not getting their way like the liberals did for the past four years and now their temper tantrum has gotten even worse then when DJT45 was running the show. We might be dodging missiles instead of land mines now, at least when they were laying out the land mines we could see where they laid them. Now with their tactile missile deployment on our values and the speed at which they are attacking we might be getting hit with a missile mid stride between land mines. This is not a fun time in human history, this is the times like the days of Noah where there was a no holds barred street fight going on everyday between all people. The hate in the world is at an all time high at this time in the last 2000 years, sadly it is by the design of the devil using men like Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky to teach hate within not only our borders but the world and pass it on into these generations through lies and deception. Then lets add the Roman Catholic Church officials pushing critical race theory along with our politicians to divide us further, we are in an epic uphill battle with barely any cover and the cover is getting less and less everyday. We need some air support in this battle, we need help like never before, we need divine intervention. The devil is ramping things up like never before, he's gone into overdrive and we're sitting here unwilling to call in the tactical advantage we have in Christ as a unit, instead we sit back and let these things happen. We don't stand up and it feels like we never will, we've again become complacent and just vent our frustrations on social media. We've become beings dominated by fear and isolation and everyone is becoming ok with this, we're trying to climb up this hill by ourselves instead of in a unit, we're trying to be Rambo instead of being a member of the Expendables. We've quit having each others back because we've been divided by religious doctrines, skin color, cultural diversities, income, and type of job we have. We're basically bringing about a cast system much like the nation of India has and you can't win a battle if you're divided, we need to tear all of it down brick by brick and never build it back, let the current systems lie in ruin so we can remember not to repeat those mistakes again. We cannot let the days of Noah continue, we cannot let another Nimrod come about, or another Nazi Party. This is the time to put differences aside and stand up, this is the time to call your neighbors, old friends, and old enemies and make peace so we can become a unit that has each others backs. We must rise up and show greater resolve and greater principles then the enemy, we must show no fear. Fear must be shaken off like the dust on your shoes, wash the fear clean off your mind body and soul then stand up battle ready to defeat the prince of bizarroworld and his minions with one fell swoop. We can do this, I know it's in us to win this uphill battle but are you prepared for the collateral damage? You will lose friends, jobs, associates, the church you're a part of might not like your stance and kick you out, can you handle that, can you handle fighting with the truth as your weapon of choice? Are you prepared for the fallout because the devil is preparing to deliver some fallout on you if you choose this path, trust me I know he hits me with depression and things from my past every chance he gets but I soldier on, I fight the battle, I upset his quota of souls going to hell through his missile shots. You have to let Holy Spirit control the Humvee you're riding in and trust Him to dodge the land mines, missiles, and rpg's the devil is throwing your way while you work the turret or scout where enemy fire is coming from. This battle isn't over, it's just heating up. Are you prepared?
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
23. Bizarroworld Does it Again
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
In this episode we look at some bizarroworld headlines and talk about being a mentor. Remember we are a free people and only we can give up our freedom.
Our first article today is proving what we knew all along, rona was a tool to hurt Americans in more ways then one. This time due to the rona restrictions over the past year there's an increased chance that we could have a gasoline shortage this summer. Add the fact that the current administration is regulating the heck out of the oil industry and we have a chance at catastrophe. Many truck drivers have retired due to the covid restrictions of temperature checks, the marathon list of questions, and all of the other craziness from the past year. Couple that with the fact that 40,000-60,000 applicants of people willing to haul our fuel had to be turned away due to issues with drugs and alcohol in their past and this summer could be rougher then the 70's were. Let's pray that it isn't so and we have a great summer.
Next, the CDC is getting bolder telling people what they can and cannot do based on vaccination status. Now if you're vaccinated you are allowed to live a somewhat normal life while the unvaccinated people are supposed to be restricted even more. Have you woken up to what they're programming you for? Please wake up they're conditioning people to take a vaccine and think if you don't then you are detrimental to society, they aren't looking at truths that we've found over human history of our bodies developing stronger immune systems without vaccinations. The CDC thinks they can tell us what we can and cannot do and it is wrong, they have no authority over your life and I ask that you stand for your way of life and take the mask off. Also, research the vaccines before getting them because you are the lab rat and they don't have any approved vaccines due to them only being out for emergency use. So do research and don't let yourself become a lab rat, instead make decisions on the truth of the matter and not the popular consensus.
Apple is catching flack for not tracking us from Facebook. Finally, Apple has done something worth celebrating, now you have the ability to turn off tracking on apps when downloading them. No more getting ads for socks because you searched for socks last week, or for a computer after you've already bought one. This is good news and hopefully Apple is waking up and will quit spying on us.
The Supreme Court is preparing to hear a case on a New York state gun law that prohibits people from carrying their weapon without having a valid reason. This law is unconstitutional to begin with so email SCOTUS or call them and let them know that we fully expect them to side with the men fighting just to get their concealed carry license in New York.
Finally, have you been a mentor to the younger crowd? We all remember those days, we thought we knew it all and didn't know anything at all. It's time we start taking these young people under our wings when we get the chance and teach them, help them understand how the world operates and teach them about Jesus Christ. Take time to let them know you care and help keep them from making the mistakes that we made when we were their age. Their generation can and will do great things once they're fully awake, lets help give them that wake up call!!!
Monday Apr 26, 2021
22. Don't Give Up
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
I know its a day late but here we go, in this episode we get into some bizarroworld headlines and news stories, learn how to fight against depression and feelings of inadequacy, and get into some good news
We often struggle with the want to just quit and give up, we feel like nothing is going our way. We feel like failures, losers, degenerates,like we're not good enough for anyone or anything. We all have this innate want to feel important and thats when these feelings really rush in, we're built in a way to be wanted by other human beings and when that doesn't happen we feel demoralized, down and out, and insignificant. This can't be further from the truth, we do have purpose and we have to pray and seek the purpose God has for us without ceasing. I know I struggle with these feelings all the time and they come like a rushing river upon me when I least expect, one day everythings fine and the next total despair. We have to remember to quit allowing the devil to play this trick on you, remember it's a great day to be alive and the next day will be even greater even if it's been stormy. Storms will come and go and the devil will use them to scare you and keep you in your safe space and slowly or quickly let fear, depression, or sin in; he's crouching at the door like a ninja waiting to attack. How do we defeat the feeling of giving up you ask, get out of your comfort zone. It's simple yet difficult, surrender to the Holy Spirit and let Him take the wheel in your life, stay fervent in prayer and be like Jacob begging for a blessing after wrestling all night with God. Don't throw in the towel instead wipe the sweat off your brow, roll up your sleeves, and prepare for war. Don't act defeated because we've already won when Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross and rose on the third day from the grave defeating death and sin. So fight, claw your way out of the feelings of failure and not being good enough with prayer and praise. Change your outlook, seek Holy Spirit to be the chauffer on the trip to the destiny God has planned for you and keep your angels close. Life isn't easy, it never will be in this day and time but it is worth living and fighting for even through storms and difficulties. Seek community amongst your peers and have them be part of your band of warriors, build a small army to help you fight. Where two or three gather in Jesus Christ name Holy Spirit is there.
good News Stories
Bizarroworld Headlines
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
21. Keep it Simple Nehemiah 3 thru 5
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
This is our weekly Keep it Simple episode, it starts out boring in chapter 3 but heats up. As we read chapters 4 and 5 start thinking about modern day issues plaguing the United States at this time in 2021. Nehemiah had an small army to rebuild the gates and walls, it was an all hands on deck situation, much like it needs to be here today, and Nehemiah was very organized in his plans to rebuild the walls. In chapter 4 we see the Ammonites, Samarians, Arabs (descendants of Ishmael and Esau) becoming a problem with getting the gates repaired due to them attacking the gates. We have to remember during the siege from Nebuchadnezzar the walls were completely destroyed and even the rocks were burned. They stationed guards to watch all night and day to keep watch to keep the people that had inhabited the land during the captivity to keep them from destroying the walls. Nehemiah had to remind the people that God had ordained the wall being built and that the devil would do anything to stop it and he had to motivate the people to continue building. They had to use half the men as guards and the others had weapons in their belts ready to attach when the trumpet sounded, they weren't playing around. Nehemiah even had everyone sleep inside in the walls of Jerusalem to help keep guard, the leaders even bathed with their clothes on and their weapons in hand. Nehemiah even had to deal with social injustice due to the Jews in the area having been sold into slavery just to survive, they would have to buy back their fellow Jews and forced the nobles and higher ups into agreeing into Jubilee as described in the Bible. Nehemiah was also a great leader seeing how the people and refused the governors portion of food and made sure the people were fed due to the famine in the area and made sure the people were able to keep what they had earned. Do you see the similarities of the time of Nehemiah and the times we are in? We've got a wall that's been attacked every way possible by politicians, cartels, and the elites paying for these caravans. We also have the people of this country having the burden of government regulation and taxes forced upon us while these supposed leaders jet set around the world and then tell us that we have to be limited to one hamburger a month and they're going to tax us more. We have a serious issue here that needs resolving and on top of that we get bashed every time we turn around by these leaders as they spread hate and fear. They do everything to humiliate us and demoralize us and to put us further behind the 8 ball and less likely to succeed. Sadly we have people that live amongst us that think this is awesome and praise them and worship the ground they walk on. Well it's time we wake these people up and get ourselves some Nehemiah's and take this country back with a new government for and by the people.
Remember if you enjoyed it hit that like button and subscribe!!!
Friday Apr 23, 2021
20. Watch for Wolves
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
In this episode we go over some very important things we need to understand and pay attention to. What is a false flag event? Is it time to unite against the establishment and start a third party? If so how would we make a third party viable? The baseline of how a republic works and a call to action. Hope you enjoy and if you do hit like and subscribe!!!
Note: my allergies got the best of me near the end, just a heads up.
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
19. Things to Ponder
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
In this episode we see bizarroworld still drinking too much of a highly caffeinated green beverage when we discuss the headlines. Then we look at some Biblical things and just ponder end times, the tribe of Joseph, and what does the Bible mean by Gentile? We finish up with good news!!! If you enjoyed it hit the like button and subscribe!!!
Ephraim and Manasseh in End Times Prophecy | Hoshana Rabbah BlogHoshana Rabbah Blog
The Descendants of Esau Are Ephraim and Judah’s Arch-Enemy in the End Times | Hoshana Rabbah BlogHoshana Rabbah Blog
5. The United States and Great Britain will Fall with the State of Israel | United Church of God (
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
18.Know Your Strengths
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
We start off with our bizarroworld headlines then get into 1 Corinthians about our gifts/strengths that come from our Heavenly Creator and how to grow them and seek them out if we don't know what they are or how to use them. We finish up with some good news!!! Remember if you get value out of this podcast or just enjoy it then smash that like button and hit subscribe!!!
Scientists Say They Have Found Proof Of The Human Soul - News Punch
Seven Proofs for the Natural Immortality of the Human Soul : Strange Notions
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
17.Keep it Simple: Nehemiah 1 and 2 plus some news
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
In this episode we dive into the news from bizzaroworld up front but then we keep it simple with the book of Nehemiah chapters 1 and 2 and will continue with more from Nehemiah next week as we continue. We round out the episode with our good news section!!! Enjoy and remember if you like the podcast then smash that like button and subscribe!!!
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
16.Back to Basics
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
We go through our bizzaroworld headlines and then get back to the basics. It's time we quit over-complicating things and we just start operating the way we were meant to without overthinking. We round it out with some good news!!! Don't forget to subscribe and like if you enjoyed the podcast!!!
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
15.What Happened to Manhood
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
We start out with some bizarro world headlines then delve into a sensitive topic here, what happened to manhood? It's a question when looking at society we need to ask and we need to find answers to if we want society to become better and do more then just survive. We round it out with some good news!!! Remember to hit that like button and subscribe if you enjoyed it!!!
Guardians of the Way
We Step Up to the Microphone and guard the commands of God while having the testimony of Yeshua/Jesus Christ here and aren't afraid to do so.